
Module Size

  • Symbolic Name in XML Configuration: checkModuleSize
  • Dependant Tags in XML Configuration: maximumAllowedModuleSizeInBytes

This check tests whether modules exceed a given reference size (specified by the maximumAllowedModuleSizeInBytes configuration entry). The size as the tag suggests specifies the maximum allowed module size in bytes. The default reference size is 10000 bytes (~10KB).

Note that the module size is the subject of analysis and not the file size (accounting for the fact that there may be multiple modules defined within the same file as well). Thus, this quality check may not be violated, even if a file exceeds the maximum allowed size, if there are multiple smaller modules defined within that file, which do not themselves violate the maximum allowed size constraint.

Last modified 15 years ago Last modified on 06/03/10 15:59:46