
Output Paths

T3D takes the base output path from the outputDirectory element in the XML configuration. In this directory, depending on the input a sub-directory will be created for each successful T3D execution. The main output includes the following entities:

  • XML files containing the information extracted from the input TTCN-3 file(s)
  • An html sub-directory containing the generated HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files

The real output directory is calculated from the input. If the input is a directory then the name of the last directory in the input path (the directory that is actually to be documented) is selected as destination the name of the sub-directory: For example, given input path a/b/c (relative) and base output path c:\Temp\T3D\, the generated documentation will be placed in c:\Temp\T3D\c\. If the input is a filename, then a sub-directory will be created with the name of that file in the base output directory: For example, given input filename templates.ttcn, the output will be generated in c:\Temp\T3D\templates\. Any subdirectories leading to the input filename will be disregarded, e.g. generated documentation for inputs such as Libraries\templates.ttcn or c:\TTCN\Libraries\templates.ttcn will still be placed in the c:\Temp\T3D\templates\ destination directory. Particular cases, such as documenting the current directory, e.g. "." or "./", will result in documentation being generated in a sub-directory in the base output directory with the name of the current directory, that is calling t3d --config myConfig.xml --profile myProfile . while in c:\TTCN\Libraries\ will generate the documentation in c:\Temp\T3D\Libraries\Libraries\ (assuming the same base output path is used as in the above examples). If multiple inputs are provided (e.g. multiple files, directories, or by means of wildcards), the name of the first entry in the list is taken for the destination sub-path.

Last modified 15 years ago Last modified on 06/03/10 15:59:46