Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#26 closed enhancement (fixed)

Detect and set memory settings automatically

Reported by: phdmakk Owned by: phdmakk
Priority: major Milestone: v1.0.x Series
Component: Common Version: 1.0
Keywords: Cc:


With the increasing size and complexity of analyzed test suites, often the processing performance degrades significantly due to low default memory settings (512MB), potentially even resulting out of memory crashes. Given test suite size of 200+ KLOC, having larger amount of memory reserved during processing can help alleviate or even completely avoid such issues. The optimal settings for the analysis certainly depend on the test suite itself, but also on the available resources on the processing platform.

Currently the user has to fiddle with the memory settings themselves to find an optimal setting, which can be a time consuming endeavor. In addition depending on what other software is running on the processing platform when a new analysis or documentation generation is started, the amount of available memory may differ, thus prompting the user to adjust the memory settings again. The settings themselves are hidden in not very well documented start-up scripts thus potentially limiting their accessibility to advanced users only.

One possible solution is to try to guesstimate the optimal memory settings when the analysis is started and use these settings during the analysis without the need to involve the user in the process.

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 12 years ago by phdmakk

  • Status changed from new to accepted

comment:2 Changed 12 years ago by phdmakk

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from accepted to closed

Currently, this is realized as a separate memory detection tool which is launched prior to the actual start of T3Q/T3D. This tool outputs the detected maximum settings, which are then passed as a parameter to T3Q/T3D. This tool may be merged into T3Q/T3D eventually. Currently, it still allows the user to specify their own settings in the start up scripts if they prefer to do so. The solution can be considered in beta, as in some edge cases it may cause T3Q/T3D to crash or fail to start. Should such cases occur, they should be reported so that the tool can be further adjusted to avoid their recurrence.

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