Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Documentation/Development/Build-and-Packaging

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  • Documentation/Development/Build-and-Packaging

    v1 v1  
     2= Build and Packaging Instructions = 
     4The simplest way to build T3Q and T3D is by using Eclipse. Check out the sources from the repository in an Eclipse project and build them using the Eclipse functionalities. The projects will require the TRex Core project and the T3Tools common project. These dependencies are recommended but can be circumvented by excluding them from the build path, in which case the prepackaged components will be used (which adds certain limitations and is not recommended for development). 
     6Another way to build the tools is by using Apache ANT. This has the added benefit that build operations can be scheduled and performed automatically at a given time. The included {{{build.xml}}} (which is also serving as a basis for the Eclipse build functionalities) provides the necessary configurations. In case the T3Tools common components project needs to be built as well, it will have to be built first and then copied to the {{{lib}}} folder. 
     9ant compile 
     10ant make-dist 
     13shall suffice for building the T3Tools Common Components package. Same applies for the TRex Core project. Building the TRex Core project is slightly more complicated. It requires an ANTLRv2 distribution, which shall be available in the shell / CLI path in order to build the grammars. Building the grammars has to be performed by using the supplied {{{buildgrammars}}} shell script (samples are available for both Windows ({{{.cmd-sample}}}) and Unix {{{.sh-sample}}} based systems). The scripts will need to be adapted by setting the correct workspace location (where the TRex Core project is located)) in the {{{WORKSPACE_PATH}}} variable, e.g. {{{/TEMP/workspace}}}. After the grammars are built, either Eclipse or ANT can be used to build the TRex Core project. 
     15To build an installation package for the tools, use the {{{nsis}}} ANT target (optionally performing a clean up prior to that): 
     18ant clean 
     19ant nsis 