Custom Query (74 matches)


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Results (28 - 30 of 74)

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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#55 fixed Unresolved function definitions cause a deadlock for over specific runs on check phdmakk

Unresolved function definitions cause a deadlock for over specific runs on check under rare circumstances.

#54 fixed Superfluous warning for unused timer formal parameters phdmakk

The issue seems to be related to incorrect search for timer references.

Original report:

The error reported is:

"..\ttcn\IMS\19\IMS_CC_EmergencyCallTestcases.ttcn: 48: WARNING: Code Style: Formal parameter "p_TRegExpireMax" in definition for "fl_IMS_EmergencyReRegistration" is never used! (6.11, checkNoUnusedFormalParameters)"

But within fl_IMS_EmergencyReRegistration the timer p_TRegExpireMax gets stopped i.e. it is used, probably stopping of a timer is not considered correctly by T3Qv2 on this rule as stopping it should be considered using the variable.

On the same delivery mentioned below, on ATS IMS_Testsuite_EUTRA, you can find on module "..\IMS_EUTRA_IWD_17wk10\IMS\19\IMS_CC_EmergencyCallTestcases.ttcn", line 83, the mentioned object fl_IMS_EmergencyReRegistration.

The code snippet of the function below:



  • @desc Emergency Reregistration
  • @param p_OldSecNotRequired (default value: true)
  • @param p_RegisterExpiration (default value: tsc_IMS_RegisterExpiration)
  • @param p_TRegExpireMax
  • @return REGISTER_Request
  • @status APPROVED (IMS)


function fl_IMS_EmergencyReRegistration(boolean p_OldSecNotRequired := true,

charstring p_RegisterExpiration := tsc_IMS_RegisterExpiration,

timer p_TRegExpireMax) runs on IMS_PTC return REGISTER_Request @sic R5-140037 sic@ @sic R5s160427 sic@



var SecurityClientParams_Type v_SecurityClientParams;

var REGISTER_Request v_RegisterReq;

var boolean v_IsEmergency := true;

var integer v_NonceCount;

var template (value) IMS_RoutingInfo_Type v_RoutingInfo;

v_NonceCount := 2;

v_IMS_DATA_REQ := f_IMS_REGISTER_SubsequentRequest(-, v_IsEmergency, v_NonceCount);

v_RegisterReq := v_IMS_DATA_REQ.Request.Register;

p_TRegExpireMax.stop; @sic R5s160427 sic@

v_SecurityClientParams := f_IMS_PTC_ReRegistration_SecurityClientParamsGet();

f_IMS_Register_SecurityInit(v_RegisterReq, not4b tsc_IMS_AuthRAND); /* generate a new RAND */

v_RoutingInfo := f_IMS_RoutingInfo_ULtoDL(v_IMS_DATA_REQ.RoutingInfo?);

IMS_Server.send(cas_IMS_DATA_RSP(v_RoutingInfo, cs_Response(c_statusLine401, f_IMS_RegisterResponse401MessageHeaderTX(v_RegisterReq))));

v_NonceCount := 1; nonce counter is reset to 1 due to re-authentication

v_IMS_DATA_REQ := f_IMS_REGISTER_SubsequentRequest(-, v_IsEmergency, v_NonceCount);

v_RegisterReq := v_IMS_DATA_REQ.Request.Register;

v_RoutingInfo := f_IMS_RoutingInfo_ULtoDL(v_IMS_DATA_REQ.RoutingInfo?); /* @sic R5s141326, R5s150245 change 1 sic@ */

if (p_OldSecNotRequired) { @sic R5s141335 sic@

f_IMS_Register_SecurityRelease(); @sic R5s140909; R5w150015: v_SecurityInfo is removed sic@

v_RoutingInfo.Security := protectedContext1; /* @sic R5s141326: by releasing the old security context the new one becomes context 1; R5s150245 change 1 sic@ */


IMS_Server.send(cas_IMS_DATA_RSP(v_RoutingInfo, cs_Response(c_statusLine200, f_IMS_RegisterResponse200MessageHeaderTX(v_RegisterReq, v_IsEmergency, p_RegisterExpiration)))); /* @sic R5s150809 sic@ */

return v_RegisterReq;


#53 fixed Add support for @nocase modifier phdmakk phdmakk

Add support for the @nocase modifier for regexp @nocase () and pattern @nocase.

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