#ifndef LIBIOTCODETS_H #define LIBIOTCODETS_H #include namespace t3devlib { namespace gen { // // Implementation of subtypes defined in the module LibIot_TypesAndValues // // aliases (subtypes without restrictions) T3DEVLIB_BASIC_DEFINITION (LibUpperTester, EquipmentCommand, Charstring); T3DEVLIB_BASIC_DEFINITION (LibIot_TypesAndValues, IpAddress, Charstring); T3DEVLIB_BASIC_DEFINITION (LibIot_TypesAndValues, PortNumber, Unsigned); // // Implementation of enumerated types (not handled by the generator yet) // class FncRetCode : public t3devlib::Enum { private: static const char* msFncRetCodeModes[]; public: FncRetCode() : Enum (msFncRetCodeModes) {} const char* GetModuleName() const { return "LibCommon_VerdictControl"; } const char* GetTypeName() const { return "FncRetCode"; } void Encode (Buffer& buffer) throw (EncodeError); void Decode (Buffer& buffer) throw (DecodeError); }; class IOTExecMode : public t3devlib::Enum { private: static const char* msExecModes[]; public: IOTExecMode() : Enum (msExecModes) {} const char* GetModuleName() const { return "LibIot_TypesAndValues"; } const char* GetTypeName() const { return "IOTExecMode"; } void Encode (Buffer& buffer) throw (EncodeError); void Decode (Buffer& buffer) throw (DecodeError); }; class IOTVerdictType : public t3devlib::Enum { private: static const char* msVerdictTypes[]; public: IOTVerdictType() : Enum (msVerdictTypes) {} const char* GetModuleName() const { return "LibIot_TypesAndValues"; } const char* GetTypeName() const { return "IOTVerdictType"; } void Encode (Buffer& buffer) throw (EncodeError); void Decode (Buffer& buffer) throw (DecodeError); }; class RecordMode : public t3devlib::Enum { private: static const char* msRecordModes[]; public: RecordMode() : Enum (msRecordModes) {} const char* GetModuleName() const { return "LibIot_TypesAndValues"; } const char* GetTypeName() const { return "RecordMode"; } void Encode (Buffer& buffer) throw (EncodeError); void Decode (Buffer& buffer) throw (DecodeError); }; class ProtocolFilter : public t3devlib::Enum { private: static const char* msProtocolFilterModes[]; public: ProtocolFilter() : Enum (msProtocolFilterModes) {} const char* GetModuleName() const { return "LibIot_TypesAndValues"; } const char* GetTypeName() const { return "ProtocolFilter"; } void Encode (Buffer& buffer) throw (EncodeError); void Decode (Buffer& buffer) throw (DecodeError); }; }} //namespaces #endif